How deep can thermography see into the body?

Thermography images the skin surface (1/4 inch), which is a wealth of information reflecting internal metabolism and physiological changes. Thermography does not need to penetrate and invade the body to obtain unique and critical information regarding status of health.

Can thermography help prevent breast cancer?

Knowledge and professional guidance including, but not limited to; diet, exercise, supplementation, dry brushing, hormone balancing as well as lifestyle choices and changes are the useful ways to support breast and general health.

Disclaimer:All material provided on The Charlotte Thermography Center web site is for educational purposes only. Access to the web site does not create a doctor-patient relationship nor should the information contained on the web site be considered specific medical advice for any person, patient, and/or medical condition. Consult a physician regarding the application of any opinions or recommendations from this website, for any symptom or medical condition. Katherine Wassung – DNH, CCT specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is or may be incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, resulting from use or application pertaining to any of the information provided on the web site.

Are thermography results considered to be “Early Detection?”

There is an assumption that “early detection” would be related to “cancer”. Thermography is very sensitive but not specific.  What that means is changes that would not be visible to any other examination can be very apparent and indicate an opportunity to make changes for the purpose of optimizing and preserving health. We believe thermography is an early assessment of negative changes in the body that, if left unaddressed can lead to different life changing diseases.

Does thermography replace mammography?

Thermography is not the “other mammogram”, it is completely different. A procedure that can assess a global picture of the general health of the entire chest does not replace a procedure that is examining only a limited portion of the breast … for cancer only.

What would you do if you were diagnosed with Breast Cancer?

This is a very personal question. Each case is individual and unique. I can tell you that I have educated myself so that I can prepare myself as much as possible in the unlikely event of a diagnosis. Without preparation I have witnessed how decisions can be extremely difficult and sometimes with regret for feeling rushed.

Consider Health Discovery vs. Disease Detection

We believe every person deserves to know the status of their health, before advanced symptoms require advanced disease management. Thermography provides a very sensitive look at the most clinically recognized indicator of potential health problems – inflammation. In other words, thermography can see what the body is doing in attempt to heal itself. Sometimes it needs help.


Copyright © 2016 The Charlotte Thermography Center

What are your Interpreting Physicians looking for?

A healthy body is expected to be thermally symmetrical. The Interpreting Physicians are looking for signs of significant asymmetry which can indicate valuable indications such as; natural healing signs of inflammation, blood profusion, lymphatic congestion, injury, hormonal imbalance and much more. After evaluating these areas they will assess their level of concern (low, moderate or high) as it relates to the thermal patterns. They will also recommend a follow up appointment for further evaluation, if necessary, or to establish a stable baseline.

Does insurance pay for thermography?

Not typically, but in this way, the value of thermography is not defined by an insurance company, but by what an individual is willing to pay for unique, valuable information regarding their health.

Do you personally get mammograms?

​​Getting mammograms is available to everyone and very personal choice for every woman. We encourage you to discuss this with your doctor or trusted healthcare practitioner. We also encourage you to educate yourself about the associated risks so that you can make an educated decision best for you.

I am a cancer survivor. Can Thermography help me monitor my breasts?

Thermography can help you monitor the health of your breasts with a baseline documenting patterns at the time of the initial study and any subsequent significant changes.

Who can benefit from Thermographic Imaging?

Anyone who is interested in proactively taking charge of their health and not focused exclusively on specific disease diagnosis will benefit from Thermal Imaging. A thermal assessment combined with guidance from a trusted healthcare provider is an opportunity to achieve desired results of optimal health and longevity.

Does Thermography “see” cancer? If I have something suspicious looking, will the doctors at least say something?

Thermography does not see deep inside the body, as it is non-invasive. If our Interpreting Physicians see something that they would consider “thermographically significant” they will give you a strong and intentional encouragement to seek further clinical correlation and evaluation. Remember that “Thermographically Significant” does not necessarily mean concern for a specific disease, but an indication of an abnormal thermal pattern(s) that meet a certain clinically acceptable level of significance.

What is a baseline?

​​A baseline is two identical studies, taken at two different times to determine if patterns are stable or if there are any changes. Therefore, the follow-up appointment is the most valuable. If the patterns are stable and not significant, there will be a recommend annual follow-up or earlier if any concerns should arise in the meantime. If there is not stability, there may be recommendation for further clinical evaluation and another follow up in 3 – 6 months.